Corvette club of South Australia Inc.



Due to changes in Conditional Registration by DPTI as of 1 Jul 2012

Log books will be signed at November & December club meetings.

Before signing owners must present

1 Receipt of club subs for next year’s membership (the 2013 calender year)

2 Vehicle for inspection if new log book required

3 Current registration papers

4 Vehicle Exemption Document for left hand drive vehicles, issued by DPTI

5 Statuary Declaration required every year at log book signing

Statuary declaration must declare vehicle eligibility to the scheme and detail any modifications that have been made since last inspection, if none made then the statuary declaration must declare that.


Books have to be signed before December 31st for vehicles to be legally driven on road, if not signed you are driving an unregistered vehicle.

Inspections and issue of new log books will be every 3 years

If log book is not signed, notify club registrar with reason why. Eg car off road for repairs.

If the membership has not been renewed and the log book signed by the 31st of January DPTI will be notified and the Conditional Registration will be cancelled by the department.

It is a requirement under the new code that the club notifies the department as a condition of maintaining its recognition status for the purposes of the scheme.

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